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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

History Of Dialysis: Vascular Access

I960: The (Scribner) Shunt was developed by Dr. Belding Scribner and Dr. Wayne Quinton.
• This is the first vascular access. Made it possible to treat patients with chronic kidney failure, who would need dialysis for the rest of their lives
• A way to re-enter and use blood vessel multiple times for dialysis.
• A patient's artery and vein are linked using a plastic tube outside the skin. i But they become often infected or clotted.

1966: The arteriovenous (AV) fistula was develop by Dr. Jim Cimino and Dr. James Brescia.
• An artery and a vain are connected inside the arm.
• Cause fewer infections and blood clots than the shunt
• Even today, the AV fistula, or native fistula, lasts longest and is the best access for HD.

Source: Wikipedia.com

History Of Dialysis: Vascular Access - Related Hemodialysis Article


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