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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease CKD

Image Source: dwp.gov.uk

1Kidney damage with normal or increase GFR. The patient usually has no symptons.greater than 90
70% of normal function
Diagnose and treat cause.

Try to slow progression
Reduce CVD risk.
2Kidney damage with mild decrease in GFR70%Estimate progression of disease
3Modrate decrease in GFR.  Symptoms may become noticable. May have fatique, anemia disorder of calcium and phospoic balance, swelling, high blood pressure.55%- Assess anemia, nutrition and bone status.
- Treat complications.
- Stage 1 & 2
4Severe decrease in GFR. Usually symptomatic.  Preparation for dialysis or transplant should begin.25 %-Referral to nephrologist.
Prepare for RRT (Predialysis education)
- Start RRT earlier if elderly, diabetes, CVD, other common complications
5Kidney failureless than 15 (dialysis)

- Uremic symptoms, marked increase in urea, creatinine, potassium, and fluids.
- Start RRT.

Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease CKD - Related Hemodialysis Article


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