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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stop Dialysis: Stopping Dialysis because Im Tried of It

I know some patients who are on dialysis for a period of time have cross their mind with regards to "Stopping their Dialysis" or ask themselves what if I would just stop going to the dialysis center, what would happen to me?

I have read somewhere not sure what site was it but it says
The expected duration of life after dialysis is stopped is one to two weeks.

I also read that death from stopping dialysis is painless. Hmmmnnn. I think it depends because I know you dont die from dialysis, you die from the complications of renal failure. Here is a good article about Treatment Options for End Stage Renal Failure or ESRD

Stop Dialysis: Stopping Dialysis because Im Tried of It - Related Hemodialysis Article


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